Pros & Cons Of Buying Your First Treadmill


For many of us, the treadmill is an essential tool for fitness. It's convenient, it allows you to burn plenty of calories and it even keeps you warm on those cold winter mornings. But treadmills are also expensive and they take up a lot of space in our homes—so how do we know if buying one is really worth the investment?

In this article featured On Treadmill Doctor, we'll explore both sides of this often-debated question: Pros and Cons Of Buying A Treadmill.

It's convenient.

When you own a treadmill, it's always available to you. You can use it any time of day, any day of the week – even if the weather isn't ideal. And if you're like me, sometimes my house doesn't have enough space for me to run outside with my dog!

There are also other benefits to having a treadmill at home:

  • You can watch your favorite show while getting a good workout in at the same time. For example, I love watching The Bachelor while on my treadmill because it helps distract me from how hard I'm working out!

  • With some treadmills, you can program them so they automatically increase or decrease your speed as needed—this is especially useful if you're just starting out and aren't used yet running fast enough for an intense workout but still want one that'll challenge

You can burn plenty of calories.

The treadmill is a great way to burn calories and build endurance. The amount of calories you burn depends on the speed, incline and length of your workout. The more intense your workouts are, the greater number of calories you will burn per hour (and eventually per minute) spent on the treadmill. As a general rule of thumb, if you weigh 140 pounds and walk at 3 miles per hour on an incline of 1% for one hour, you'll burn around 200 calories. If we use those same parameters but bump up the speed to 4 miles per hour and then add another half-percent incline, we can expect to see a total calorie burn that's roughly 50% higher than before: 250 calories burned in just one hour!

It's good for all fitness levels.

Treadmills can be used by people of all fitness levels, not just those who are already in shape. Whether you're overweight or underweight, have been exercising for years or have never exercised before, there's a treadmill that will work well with your body type and workout goals.

It eliminates weather and safety concerns.

If you are someone who likes to walk or run outside, bad weather can be a major deterrent. In addition to rain and snow, cold temperatures could make it uncomfortable to go outdoors.

Your treadmill should be able to overcome any weather concerns you have by being able to provide an indoor workout that is virtually indistinguishable from one done outside. This allows you get in your exercise without having to wait for the right weather conditions or put up with adverse conditions if they do occur.

While safety is generally less of an issue with treadmills than other fitness equipment like weight machines and free weights, there are still some safety concerns related specifically to treadmills that need attention before buying one for home use:

It's a big investment.

Treadmills are a big investment, so you want to make sure you're spending your money wisely. You can spend anywhere from $500 for a basic treadmill up to $10,000 or more for a top-of-the-line model. There are many treadmills available in between these two price points; it's important to look at all the costs associated with buying and using a treadmill before deciding which one is right for your fitness goals and lifestyle.

There are more features than you'll probably ever use.

If you're looking to learn how to use a treadmill, then treadmills with a built-in tablet could be the answer. They're loaded with workout apps that will help you get started on your fitness journey.

They also typically come with heart rate monitors, which is great if you want to track your progress or check out how many calories you've burned.

While it's true that most people don't need all the bells and whistles that come standard on treadmills, there might be one feature in particular that piques your interest: The ability for the machine itself to tell what kind of workout program you should do based on its analysis of certain data points from your body such as height and weight. This way, even beginners can start off their training with an expertly designed plan already in place for them—no guessing required!

Your treadmill may end up being nothing more than a clothes rack!

  • You may find that you don't use your treadmill as much as you thought you would.

  • You may need to buy a new one in a year or two.

  • You may not be able to get rid of it because it is too heavy to move and/or get rid of without a truck and movers.

  • Keep in mind that the cheaper you go on the initial investment of your treadmill, the more likely you are to be replacing it soon.


In conclusion, getting a treadmill is a great idea if you want to get in shape, stay in shape, or just lose some weight. It has many benefits that can help you achieve your goals and keep them throughout your life. However, it’s important not to get caught up in all the hype surrounding this device because there are also some drawbacks that need to be considered before making an investment like this one.

About the author


Clark, with his MBA from the University of Memphis, along with his brother & CEO, established Treadmill Doctor in 1998 as a leading fitness equipment services company that specializes in the parts, repair, and maintenance of both residential and commercial units. It is included in the Inc5000® fastest growing companies in the United States.

Not a doctor (even though his mom loves to brag otherwise); Clark really did start out by using a stethoscope to diagnose faults with treadmills which gave birth to the company name. Over the years though, they've certainly earned their specialties in "elliptretics" and "treadmllology".