The Most Critical Point of Exercise is Almost Always Overlooked

I recently had a friend who bought a Boston Marathon treadmill and absolutely loved the machine. He got a couple of workouts in and then he started having incredible pain in his foot so he went to the doctor and found out he has Plantar Fasciitis. Similarly, I recently started having pain from an old football injury in my foot so I asked a personal trainer friend if there was something he would recommend.

He told me that he tried a new pair of shoes recently and recommended that I buy a pair of Hoka One One shoes. I was skeptical but figured it was worth a try. More on the Hoka shoes a bit later.

The two major issues we commonly see with an exercise routine is:

1) getting started and

2) keeping it going

Getting started may be a New Year’s Resolution for you. We can cover point #1 at another time but I have found that if you get the ball rolling, #2 can be the bigger challenge.

There are a number of reasons why you might stop a workout routine but what I have found is that it is usually an issue of an injury or the equipment interrupting the workout. That’s why cushioning is so important in a treadmill. You might ask, “if cushioning is so important, why do you steer people away from an orthopedic belt?” The answer is always that a good pair of running shoes does much more for you than a softer belt.

That’s where I get back to the Hoka One One shoes. My skepticism disappeared after the first day. I wore them to work because my foot was hurting so bad it was keeping me awake at night. After the first day of use, my foot pain almost went away. I started using my treadmill again the second day and wore the shoes around the clock.

By the third day, I ordered my second pair of Hoka One One shoes. My wife saw the improvement and asked me if I would get her a pair. She has an issue of tiredness more than pain but in a single day or wearing her shoes last week, the tiredness was gone.

Not sure if these are going to solve my friend’s Plantar Fasciitis but I just texted him my experience and I hope it will help. The point is that you need to do everything possible to keep your routine going because if you get injured, you are going to have a hard time keeping a good thing going.

Now, I need to find the contact info for Hoka One One and let them know I am being an unpaid spokesman for them. Since we aren’t in the shoe business I don’t have a dog in that fight. All I can tell you is this is the best pair of running shoes I have ever owned and I increased my treadmill use yesterday to 50% more than my workout level in the prior-to-my-injury period.

I hope the shoes last and don’t wear out quickly because I will keep using them no matter what as long as the good times with my feet keep going.

About the author


Clark, with his MBA from the University of Memphis, along with his brother & CEO, established Treadmill Doctor in 1998 as a leading fitness equipment services company that specializes in the parts, repair, and maintenance of both residential and commercial units. It is included in the Inc5000® fastest growing companies in the United States.

Not a doctor (even though his mom loves to brag otherwise); Clark really did start out by using a stethoscope to diagnose faults with treadmills which gave birth to the company name. Over the years though, they've certainly earned their specialties in "elliptretics" and "treadmllology".