Why Your Knees Hurt Using Your Treadmill

It would be safe to say that our culture and mindset has shifted towards achieving a healthier lifestyle within the past 5-10 years. Even within the food industry, the FDA is now coming down hard on companies that utilize trans fats in their products. Some health aspects may be a fad for the time being, but the reality is that it doesn't change one's need to exercise regularly and eat healthy.
The treadmill has been an extremely useful tool for millions of individuals over the years, and has helped to shed plenty of pounds. By the same token, however, the treadmill can cause plenty of injuries if used incorrectly. Having pain in the knees and joints can be a common complaint from using this machine, but it is actually caused by improper usage. If you are struggling with knee pain, take a look below to see what you might be doing incorrectly.
- Walking too FastThe speed of the treadmill can cause additional wear and tear on your knees. Instead of jumping right in to a high rate of speed, take the time to slowly warm up your body. Running or jogging often requires a warm-up just like any other exercise; walk for 3 to 7 minutes and ramp up the speed from there. Your knees will thank you!
- You Walk, Jog or Run in Dress ShoesAll kidding aside, the type of footwear you work out in directly affects one's knees. Poor arch support causes the types of knee pain that is compounded by utilizing a treadmill. Running shoes are a must, and take some extra time when purchasing a pair in store to quickly jump, jog and all the other movements that would be able to tell you about its comfort.
- Slapping Your Feet Instead of Heel-ToeAnother common mistake that some may make is planting their feet hard with each step. A natural motion on the treadmill should have one extended their leg then landing on the heel and progressing forward to the toe. Practice this at a low rate of speed and you will likely see an improvement in your knee pain!
- Invest in a Treadmill That Works For YouNot all treadmills are the same in terms of their ability to provide an effective workout environment. Take the time to read up on treadmill reviews in order to find the perfect fit for you; once you find a treadmill that meets your needs and you feel comfortable on, you will be able to enjoy years of exercise that can be pain-free.