Fitness Jobs

One of the topics we overlook regularly when we look at the fitness business are jobs that are in the fitness industry. Those jobs are as diversified as the business is from jobs in manufacturing and technology all the way to training individual people and everything in between.
What caught my attention was that IHRSA, the professional association for fitness professionals, had a study recently that showed that one of the best paying part time jobs that a person can have is that of a fitness trainer. In their study, they showed that part time yoga instructors, for instance, can earn up to $31 per hour which is not bad pay and is incredibly good for just a part time gig.
That inspired me to look up what the government had to say about fitness instructors. They don’t break it down in the same way but they both show that with the growth in the industry and the improved outlook for jobs in general, there will be around 500,000 fitness trainers in the USA by or before 2020.
I’ve never been a trainer but I’ve worked with a great number of trainers and know hundreds of them and most are very committed to their work. They didn’t get in the business for the pay but the most committed earn a very good living. If you are a fanatic for fitness and aren’t looking for full time work and want a part time job that can pay well, be very rewarding in non-cash compensation, and get a workout at the same time, maybe fitness training is for you.
To read the government outlook on the Bureau of Labor Statistics study of 2017 fitness training jobs, go to the following link: Occupational Outlook Handbook