A treadmill is the most common fitness instrument that can be found in almost every gym, or in a house of health-conscious people. Although its primary function is to help a person in walking, jogging, or running within a closed area, tens of features have been added to it over the years to make it user-friendly equipment. However, like all the other mechanical instruments, a treadmill does have finite longevity. Depending on the brands, specifications, and parts quality, this machine can last as long as 10 years. Here, the highlights of this article will be parts replacement options for a treadmill.


Common parts that need replacement

For a treadmill, there are four parts that are needed to be replaced more often if not used properly. Those parts are-

1. Walking belt: A belt needs to be replaced if the runner finds problems like improper belt tension, loss of smoothness, and a worn-out look.

2. Motors and controller: Sometimes when the belt tension and speed don’t seem to be accurate, the problem might lie with the motor instead of the walking belt.

3. Rollers: Sometimes the runners hear grinding noise while using the treadmill. And this sound might signal the problems in the roller.

4. Drive belt: A user will experience braking issues when this part isn’t working properly.


How to replace the treadmill parts?

Modern treadmills are designed in such a way that a user can easily remove and replace the treadmill parts following some simple instructions. But before installing a new part, a person must buy the parts that match the brand, category, as well as a model of his treadmill to get an optimum output for a longer period.

Although an installation guide is provided to the customer while purchasing any part of a treadmill, a common sequence of rules should be followed while installing any part of a treadmill-

1. Treadmill should be unplugged and checked thoroughly to ensure it has been disconnected from all sorts of electrical connectivity.

2. The roller position should be marked in both front and back using a felt tip.

3. The walking belt should be loosened, removed, and replaced (only if it’s damaged). Then the bolts from the front roller is to be removed followed by the straddle.

4. The deck bolts are to be removed from the underside of the treadmill.

5. After that, removing the screws from the rear roller and endcaps will allow you to remove (and replace) the roller from the back of this equipment.

6. At this stage, some kind of help might be needed from another person to lift the treadmill up. So that you could slide down and remove (and replace) the running/drive belt.

7. In the end, undo the operations from 6 to 1. Once the machine is ready to go, let it run at speed of 4 mph to test its effectiveness.


Here are some of the common guidelines that a treadmill user should know. This information will help him in making decisions about whether to replace a part or not.

About the author


Clark, with his MBA from the University of Memphis, along with his brother & CEO, established Treadmill Doctor in 1998 as a leading fitness equipment services company that specializes in the parts, repair, and maintenance of both residential and commercial units. It is included in the Inc5000® fastest growing companies in the United States.

Not a doctor (even though his mom loves to brag otherwise); Clark really did start out by using a stethoscope to diagnose faults with treadmills which gave birth to the company name. Over the years though, they've certainly earned their specialties in "elliptretics" and "treadmllology".