URGENT! Do Not Buy a Used Treadmill Before Reading This!

The first thing to remember when buying a used treadmill is that all brands are NOT created equally!! Most people would not think twice about the purchase of a used Cadillac, while others would not consider looking at a used AMC Pacer. The same consideration should be applied to second hand treadmills. Certain brands are just better. For a list of the TOP treadmills to level up your workout, check out Best Treadmills for Your Home Gym.
The treadmill a consumer is interested in purchasing will most likely be a lower end residential unit. Many brands or companies have several grades of product. The company may have the best commercial equipment, but their residential units are sorely lacking. A Cadillac maybe a Cadillac no matter what model (well, except for the 1982 Cimarron that we won’t mention…. and we fully forgive you Cadillac), but that is not the case in the fitness industry.
If at all possible….. never, ever buy a used treadmill online. You should always be able to inspect the treadmill in person. Using a car buying term, “kick the tires” is a must! Always make sure the treadmill is clean inside and out. The cleaner the treadmill, the better it runs! In addition to looking at the cleanliness, check for motor drive belt for cracking and wear. Thoroughly check the walking belt and deck.The deck and belt are the most worn items on a treadmill and are very important to the proper function of a treadmill. If they are not in good condition or working properly it will lead to huge problems with your treadmill electronics. Many times the replacement parts cost, plus the cost of the used treadmill would be close to the purchase price of a brand new machine.
Check out our belt and deck inspection instructions on our website. Next, check to make sure the safety key works properly and see if the treadmill console has any worn areas or slow responding buttons.
Next check to make sure the safety key works properly and see if the console has any worn areas or slow responding buttons. Run the treadmill at 3, 5, and 10mph if possible. Watch the walking belt to make sure it is centered correctly and not pulling to one side. Listen for noise that may be coming from underneath the motor hood. Clicking or any odd noise can indicate a possible costly issue.Test if the incline goes all the way up and back down. If you find any of these conditions, by no means should this disqualify the treadmill. You might have a good treadmill that just needs some TLC. Any issues like this would be a great argument for a discount on the price. Be aware of cost of replacement parts on the make and model you are considering by checking out TreadmillDoctor.com.
If all else fails, or you still are questioning your gut, call Treadmill Doctor at 800-750-4766 and they can diagnose the issue over the phone and give you the cost for the replacement part…..FREE of charge!
If all is well, move to the next phase, which is pricing. Keep in mind that most treadmill companies will not transfer a manufacturers’ warranty to a second owner. This makes most used treadmills an “As Is” purchase. Also, know the retail cost of the machine you are looking at for reference, prior to arriving to the seller’s home or office. If you follow the inspection guideline, used our treadmill reviews and researched the brand, you should end up with a good treadmill. Good Luck!!!