The pros and cons of buying a used treadmill: What to look for

If you're in the market for a treadmill, you might be wondering if buying a used treadmill is a good option. While it can be a cost-effective way to get a high-quality machine, there are also some risks and drawbacks to consider. In this article, we'll discuss the pros and cons of buying a used treadmill, as well as some tips on what to look for when shopping for one.

Pros of buying a used treadmill

Cost savings:   

  • Perhaps the most obvious advantage of buying a used treadmill is the cost savings. You can often find high-quality machines at a fraction of the price of a new one, which can be particularly appealing if you're on a tight budget.

Higher-end models: 

  • When buying a used treadmill, you may be able to afford a higher-end model than you could if you were buying new. This means you'll have access to more advanced features and a more durable machine, which can be beneficial for serious athletes or anyone who plans to use their treadmill frequently.


  •  Buying a used treadmill is also an environmentally friendly option, as it keeps a machine out of the landfill and reduces the demand for new manufacturing.

Cons of buying a used treadmill

Limited warranty: 

  • Most used treadmills won't come with a warranty, which means you won't have any protection if something goes wrong.

  •  This can be a significant risk, particularly if you're purchasing an older machine or one that has been heavily used.

No assembly or delivery: 

  • When you buy a new treadmill, it usually comes with assembly and delivery included. 

  • With a used treadmill, you'll need to transport and assemble it yourself, which can be a hassle and an additional expense.

Lack of customization:

  •  When you buy a new treadmill, you can often customize the machine to your specifications. With a used treadmill, you'll need to settle for whatever features and specifications are included.

Tips for buying a used treadmill

Research the brand and model:

  •  Before you start shopping for a used treadmill, do your research on the different brands and models available. 

  • Look for reviews and ratings to get an idea of which machines are the most reliable and durable.

Check the condition

When inspecting a used treadmill, check for signs of wear and tear, such as frayed belts, cracks, or loose parts. Make sure the machine is stable and doesn't wobble or shake during use.

Test the machine: 

  • Before buying a used treadmill, take it for a test run to ensure that it's functioning properly. Try out different speeds and inclines to make sure the machine can handle a variety of workouts.

Ask about the history: 

  • Ask the seller about the history of the machine, including how long they've had it, how often it was used, and whether it has been serviced or repaired in the past. 

  • This can give you a better idea of the condition of the machine and any potential issues.

Negotiate the price: 

  • Don't be afraid to negotiate the price of a used treadmill. 

  • If you find any issues or flaws during your inspection, you can use these as bargaining chips to bring the price down.

Consider professional inspection: 

  • If you're unsure about the condition of a used treadmill, consider hiring a professional to inspect it before you buy. 

  • This can provide peace of mind and ensure that you're getting a high-quality machine.

In conclusion, buying a used treadmill can be a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option for those looking to get a high-quality machine. 

However, there are risks and drawbacks to consider, such as the lack of warranty and the need to assemble and transport the machine yourself. By doing your research, inspecting the machine thoroughly, and negotiating the price, you can minimize these risks and get a great deal on a used treadmill.

About the author


Let's set the record straight : we're not actually doctors, much as our mom would love to brag otherwise. We're two brothers from Olive Branch, MS, who have an MBA, an MDiv, and a Master's in Political Science between us-but no MD.

Over the years though, we've certainly earned our specialties in "elliptretics" and "treadmllology" - and Clark really did start out by using a stethoscope to diagnose faults with treadmills ( hence the company name).

In fact, we've been in this industry since Clark was still In school in 1987 - when the commercial fitness equipment Industry was only a few years old. And It's no longer just us two: today we're a team of 32 fitness- equipment enthusiasts, - all devoting our lives to keeping your machines in peak condition.