Yowza Osprey Treadmill Review

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Brief Overview

With the improvements in the higher end of the line and the new version of the Lido, unless you like full size console of the Osprey, this model kind of gets lost in the lineup but it has a hell of a warranty so that might make you look twice.

Overall Quality

Solid treadmill and if you can find it like we've seen it on sale for under $1,000, that is a good deal. With that said, there have been some compromises made in order to get the price down to where it needs to be to be a value. Keep in mind that with the market continuing to change, there still is a demand for low cost options that still have a semblance of service. While you won't find that with any Icon built machine, Yowza has made some big strides in the service area.


Walking Area 6
Power 6.5
Cushioning 5.8
Reliability 5.4
Noise Level 4.4
Quality 3.7
Value 4.4
Warranty 8.5