Yowza Keewadin Treadmill Review

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Brief Overview

The strongest member of the Yowza lineup. A very good start for Yowza but with the way the economy is, we are worried a bit about Yowza's long term prospects.

Overall Quality

Strong treadmill with very good quality and good fit and finish. Quirky color scheme.


Walking Area 8.5
Power 7
Cushioning 7.5
Reliability 6.8
Noise Level 7.2
Quality 6.8
Value 8.8
Warranty 8.5

Customer Reviews

13.0 out of 5 stars
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1 Star
ART JIMENEZ III- Works when no issues but if it does has problemsApr 05, 2020

Well I bought this treadmill back in 2012 when Yowza was new and was hoping they would still stay in Business. Unfortunately not in 2017. So far it is a good treadmill and I just owned previously a Keys Fitness A7T and they too went out of Business. If I had to compare the reliability and longevity next to customer service especially when Yowza was new it was wonderful. I was able to get a spare motor and keep it from Yowza. I had replaced my belt, motor which also came with the drive belt but still had a problem with the motor control board. Treadmill Doctor had the parts.