Vision X 6750 HRT Elliptical Review

Brief Overview
At this price you can have Lifefitness' excellent new X 7 elliptical. If you buy this I will help pay for the brain scan!
Overall Quality
The Front Drive - Front Ramp elliptical design is Vision's attempt this year at innovation. We think that they failed, but the quality of components in the X 6750 may help to mitigate some of the design's shortcomings. Vision, Horizon, and Spirit are attempting the Front Drive - Front Ramp elliptical this year and I believe that they are destined for trouble. I think that the redistribution of weight when the ramp is in use, due to the way that they are designing their front drives, will adversely affect the long-term durability of the unit. I may be proven wrong, but I would give it a couple of years in production before I would risk my money.