Vision TF40 Touch+ Treadmill Review

Brief Overview
Touchscreen makes for nearly a $3,600 fold up. Great fold up with a crazy-high price tag.
Overall Quality
The most expensive fold up that Vision has ever made. Wonder if we can get Lifefitness to make a fold up of their club model to compete with Vision. I can think of one person that I have met in my life that would love this sort of treadmill. Of course, his father knew this guy was so irresponsible that he set up a trust for his son with an overseer that determined if he needed anything that costs more than a pack of gum. $3,600 for a fold up treadmill is getting into the realm of having the voice of God telling you to buy it.
Walking Area | 8.5 |
Power | 7 |
Cushioning | 6.9 |
Reliability | 7.2 |
Noise Level | 6.1 |
Quality | 6.3 |
Value | 3.9 |
Warranty | 9.1 |