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Vision T9250 Deluxe Treadmill Review

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Brief Overview

The T9250 with programs and there is really not a compelling reason for this model. I know they want to give consumers a choice and the Premier model is much more than the Simple model but this is like the filler that bands used to put on albums when you had to buy the entire album...thank God for iTunes.

Overall Quality

If you are going to pay the extra for programs, cough up another $200 for the full blown console in the Premier model or save some money and go with the Simple console. If you need a heart rate monitor that you wear around your chest, Polar makes good ones that are cheap.


Walking Area 7
Power 6.25
Cushioning 7.8
Reliability 6.7
Noise Level 6.8
Quality 6.7
Value 5.7
Warranty 8