Star Trac E-CT Elliptical Review

Brief Overview
The E-CT really isn't a very good machine for the money. If you are going to spend this much money go ahead and buy a premium Precor or True Fitness home unit. You will really like them better.
Overall Quality
Star Trac only really produces commercial ellipticals and then attempts to sell them to your home. These are high quality units with great warranties. The only real problem is that the feel and motion on their machines don't really compare well to their competitors like Cybex, Precor and LifeFitness. If you love a Star Trac machine that you use at your local gym, then by all means buy one. Just understand at the prices they sell them for you aren't getting a great value.
Adjustability | 2 |
Reliability | 7 |
Noise Level | 4 |
Value | 4 |
Warranty | 10 |
Quality | 7 |
Ergonomics | 6 |