Reebok Competitor RT 6.0 Treadmill Review

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Brief Overview

Short warranty is the just the start of shortcomings on this model! It is overpriced, is equipped with a tiny motor, and comes standard with shame, regret, and a lifetime supply of buyer?s remorse.

Overall Quality

Very solid components on a cheap treadmill. One of the best you can get if you can find it on sale at Costco for $600. With that, you still get a cheap motor, flimsy frame, and great overall packaging that makes you think that this is a much better treadmill than it is. If you want a treadmill in your home and want to tell people that you have a "Reebok" treadmill, then this one is for you. It will look great in your home and as long as you NEVER use it, you won't be disappointed.


Walking Area 7.1
Power 2.8
Cushioning 5.9
Reliability 3.9
Noise Level 3.8
Quality 3.1
Value 2.5
Warranty 3.5