Reebok Competitor RT 6.0 Treadmill Review

Brief Overview
Short warranty is the just the start of shortcomings on this model! It is overpriced, is equipped with a tiny motor, and comes standard with shame, regret, and a lifetime supply of buyer?s remorse.
Overall Quality
Very solid components on a cheap treadmill. One of the best you can get if you can find it on sale at Costco for $600. With that, you still get a cheap motor, flimsy frame, and great overall packaging that makes you think that this is a much better treadmill than it is. If you want a treadmill in your home and want to tell people that you have a "Reebok" treadmill, then this one is for you. It will look great in your home and as long as you NEVER use it, you won't be disappointed.
Walking Area | 7.1 |
Power | 2.8 |
Cushioning | 5.9 |
Reliability | 3.9 |
Noise Level | 3.8 |
Quality | 3.1 |
Value | 2.5 |
Warranty | 3.5 |