Proform Performance 400 C Treadmill Review

Where to buy the Proform Performance 400 C
Brief Overview
A horror story under the motor cover. A cheap selection from the Proform lineup but not a very good treadmill.
Overall Quality
If you need a cheap unit at a bargain price, this one is it but only will last if you are a walker and baby it. If you just want a machine in your home to impress your visitors that you intend to work out one day, than I think this might be the model for you.
Walking Area | 7.1 |
Power | 2.5 |
Cushioning | 4.4 |
Reliability | 3.3 |
Noise Level | 3.2 |
Quality | 2.4 |
Value | 2.7 |
Warranty | 3.5 |
Customer Reviews
14.0 out of 5 starsHave had a Pro-Form 400c for 6 years. We’re not hard-core runners but have been very satisfied. The Control panel is pleasing to the eye and easy to navigate. Haven’t used iFIT, but make extensive use of Onboard Workouts. It’s nice to be able to so easily pick a pre-programmed scenario. We use Calorie, but assuming the other groups are similar, it’s nice to be able to tweak a scenario mid-stream (i.e., increase or decrease, speed or incline at one minute increments). After 2 years I replaced the belt (though in hindsight it wasn’t that bad). I did it myself (relatively easy), at a cost of $80.