Nautilus T614 Treadmill Review

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How long will the Nautilus T614 last?

When we look at the T614 up against other treadmills in this price range, we can see that there are other options that will likely last longer for the same price. The T614 simply does not have the best build nor is it backed by the best company. We do not expect the T614 to hold up for more than a few years. With that said, we would only recommend this treadmill for a light walker.

Brief Overview

We are not impressed with the T614. We do not feel as though Nautilus made a good enough effort with this model. There are much better options for the same price that are likely to offer more value for the price and even last longer. If you are set on owning a Nautilus treadmill, please do your best to save some money and get their next model up.

Overall Quality

Interestingly enough, Nautilus’s auxiliary brands like Bowflex and Octane usually produce better, more affordable treadmills than Nautilus treadmills. There are a few brands on the market that have a better-known reputation and can be considered "name brand" because people will pay more just to have a product by that particular brand. Nautilus is one of these name brand treadmills manufactures. With this, you’ll notice that Nautilus treadmills cost a little more without the extra features. This is largely because Nautilus is able to charge for their name just as much as they charge for the actual function of a machine. Usually, when these name brands charge so much, you can somewhat excuse the price because the actual product has a respectable build or features. You can notice this in True and Precor treadmills, for example. The only unfortunate aspect of name brand pattern as it relates to the T614 is that this particular model does not have enough quality to justify the price. So you are mainly paying for a treadmill that belongs in the four-hundred-dollar range which means that you pay about five-hundred dollars for the Nautilus name.

The T614 is simply unimpressive when you compare it to the other treadmills in this price range. The average build for our top four treadmills in this price can support a moderate jogger, the T614's build is likely only able to support a moderate walker. Then you look at the other specifications and you realize that the T614 can barely compete. Take the workout programs for example. Our average is twenty-six for this price while the T614 only has twenty-two. Also, our top four average shows an incline ability average of fifteen while the T614 only offers twelve incline levels. The average walking area is twenty by sixty inches and the T614 only has a twenty by the fifty-five-inch belt. Then, to top it off, the warranty is below average. You would think that the Nautilus name would warrant a better company backing. The T614 has a two-year parts and one-year labor warranty while our top treadmills in this price range have three-year parts and one-year labor warranties. With every specification below the standard for the nine-hundred-dollar range, you start to wonder why someone would pay this much for a T614 when other brands have treadmills that are better values for the price.

Things we like

  • Affordable

Things we dislike

  • X
    Poor Warranty
  • X
    Below Average Build
  • X
    Not the Best Quality


Number of Programs 22
Heart Rate Sensor and Type Contact and telementry enabled
Horsepower 2.75
Speed Range 0 - 12
Incline/Decline Range 0 - 12
Weight Capacity 300 Lbs
Belt Size 20 x 55
Footprint 72.2 x 35.2 x 57.6
Folds Yes
Weight of Unit 200 Lbs
Warranty 10 years frame, 10 years drive motor, 2 years mechanical, 2 years electronics, 1 year labor


We have discussed how the T614 is not a good testament to Nautilus’s ability to create good treadmills. We have found the T614 to be a so-so machine that is not worth the money. We recommended saving a few hundred and buying a better Nautilus model.


When you look at the price of the T614 you feel as though you should receive a good quality treadmill. But when you compare the statistics, you notice that the T614 belongs more in the seven-hundred-dollar range than the nine-hundred. You can then conclude that Nautilus is up charging the T614 to match their reputation. Unfortunately, for the consumer, that means that you are paying a lot for a little. Thus, we would not recommend the T614 if you are hoping to have a quality, durable treadmill. There are other brands that offer better values for the price.