Lifespan TR200 Treadmill Review

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Brief Overview

One of the most innovative ideas in the treadmill world in an industry that is lacking in regard to innovation. With that said, the quality matches its size.

Overall Quality

This is a walkers treadmill with limited application but if you have no room, you can put it under your bed which makes it a great value when you consider what it can do. With that said, it is not a treadmill for those who are going to be using a treadmill on a regular basis. My guess is that this could be a perfect machine for someone who mainly runs outside but they live in a large city with limited space and only need a treadmill several times a year when they can't get to the club or run outside.


Walking Area 4
Power 2.3
Cushioning 3.9
Reliability 3.6
Noise Level 3.9
Quality 2.9
Value 3.4
Warranty 3.25
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