Lifespan TR1200 Desk Base Only Treadmill Review

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How long will the Lifespan TR1200 Desk Base Only last?

The Lifespan TR1200 Desk Base Only Treadmill holds users up to 350 lbs. and comes ready to use right out of the box, no assembly required with a light weight of 114 lbs. It carries a decent warranty of a lifetime on the frame, 3 years motor, 2-year parts, and 1 year labor with an option to purchase additional warranties through an outside vendor. It is designed for light use and will last through quite a few walking workouts, with care and maintenance.

Brief Overview

The Lifespan TR1200 Desk Base Only Treadmill is designed to fit under an existing standing desk and is optimal in bringing a walking workout into a sedentary work life. A portable console comes in two choices, retro or sleek modern, and fits right at a user’s fingertips for accessing pertinent workout information and speed controls. This innovative design will keep workers moving steadily through their day and is paramount to those who share the ground-breaking idea that movement increases overall productivity.

Overall Quality

The Lifespan TR1200 Desk Base Only Treadmill has a 2.25 HP CD motor that is optimal for light walking throughout a 6-hour timespan. Users can reach speeds of up to 4.0 MPH but a max speed of 2.0 can be set for those who do not want to disrupt their desks by trying to move to quickly. There are 6 shock absorbers that not only cushion joints but also softens the noise of the treadmill to keep sound at a minimum to less disrupt the work atmosphere. The portable console is available in 2 designs offering information such as distance traveled, calories burned, time, number of steps, and belt speed. You can also set it to silent to stop irritating beeps. This treadmill has been designed to decrease noise pollution while increasing productivity with physical movement and is the perfect addition to any home or work office. It is ideal even in a team setting as multiple users can rotate between a walking and sitting station if multiple units are not purchased.

Things we like

  • innovative idea
  • decent weight capacity
  • warranty
  • 2 console options

Things we dislike

  • X
    6 hours is not a full workday


Belt Size 20"W x 50"L
Drive Motor 2.25 HP Continuous Duty Motor
Belt Type 2-Ply
Speed 0.4 to 4.0 mph (Max. Speed Can Be Set to 2.0 mph if Desired)
Deck Suspension 6 Independent Compression Shocks
Deck 3/4“ Phenolic Deck
Side Rails Non-Slip Plastic
Treadmill Dimensions 63"L x 28.5"W x 7.25"H
Console Dimensions 12.5"W x 3"D x 2"H
Step-Up Height: Belt: 4.6"; Side Rails 5.25"
Weight 114 lbs
Max. User Weight 350 lbs
Incline: Not Available Walking at an incline while working is not recommended by ergonomists as it takes your body out of a neutral position and places strain on your back and joints.
Transport Treadmill has 2 front-mounted transport wheels for easy mobility
Console 3 lbs


Frame: Lifetime
Motor: 3 Years
Parts: 2 Years
Labor: 1 Year


We invite you to see our other treadmill reviews to help you narrow your search for your next fitness machine.


The Lifespan TR1200 Desk Base Only Treadmill is a revolutionary way to bring fitness to the workday without having to leave your jobsite. It is compact and able to slide under a standalone desk to implement fitness into the work atmosphere while keeping the noise to a minimum to dispel interruptions. The TR1200 Desk Base Only is durable enough to stand up to 6 hours a day use and encompasses a unique way of working the day away. It is an ingenious way to become fit during office hours and a worthwhile way to get paid to exercise.