Landice ElliptiMill Cardio Trainer Elliptical Review

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Brief Overview

We would go with the Pro Trainer or the Executive Trainer console.

Overall Quality

The Landice ElliptiMill is quite possibly the most over-engineered and overbuilt machine that we have ever seen in the 11 years that we have been doing treadmill and elliptical reviews. The amount of quality that has gone into the design and manufacture of this machine is stunning. The question is if you really need this much of a machine in your home. It is better, from a durability standpoint than most of the commercial machines that we have seen. That being said, you will never need this much quality, but I don't believe that you would ever need to use the warranty.


Adjustability 8
Reliability 9
Noise Level 9
Value 6
Warranty 10
Quality 9
Ergonomics 9