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Horizon Evolve Treadmill Review

Brief Overview
Great design combined with some very cheap parts. If you have no space or need to put a treadmill out of the way and you won't be more than a regular walker, this is the best choice. The Lifespan TR200 has electric incline though.
Overall Quality
The warranty on the Horizon Evolve is one of the worst you'll find. Parts, labor, and electrical components are covered for 1 year; the motor is covered for 5 years; and the frame is covered for 10 years. Horizon isn't exactly known for great warranties, and there's a reason for that.
Walking Area | 3 |
Power | 2 |
Cushioning | 5 |
Reliability | 3.8 |
Noise Level | 5.9 |
Quality | 3.8 |
Value | 4.5 |
Warranty | 2.2 |