Horizon CT9.3 Treadmill Review

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Brief Overview

Absolutely absurd MSRP. If you buy this one for list, we have some Tennessee Magic Rocks for sale that you would love!

Overall Quality

The funniest MSRP we have seen in a long time. Super Jim used to give his treadmills this kind of crazy MSRP too. What is sad is that even Jim came to his senses and realized that there is no one with a reasonable mind that would believe they can get a $5,000 treadmill for $1,500. Apparently the retailers in Canada believe their consumers aren't too bright! It may be that they cater to the crowd that must believe they are robbing the store blind.


Walking Area 8.5
Power 6.25
Cushioning 6.2
Reliability 4.5
Noise Level 5.4
Quality 3.9
Value 1
Warranty 4.5

Customer Reviews

13.0 out of 5 stars
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1 Star
PY- What would be a ok price for this?Jul 14, 2020

On sale at $999CAD. Do you think it’s a good value?