Horizon CT5.4 Treadmill Review

Brief Overview
Absolutely absurd MSRP. We've seen similar models from the same factory for less than $1,000. DON'T buy one for list!
Overall Quality
If someone holds a gun to your head and threatens to pull the trigger if you don't buy this one for $2,000, I guess you don't have a choice but that's the only rational reason to drop $2k on this treadmill. Johnson makes this machine in their own US sold line that sells for well under $1k. We suppose the idea is give it a HUGE MSRP so when they run their "sale" price, you will believe you have to act fast or lose the deal of a lifetime.
Walking Area | 7.1 |
Power | 5.7 |
Cushioning | 5.5 |
Reliability | 4.3 |
Noise Level | 5.2 |
Quality | 3.8 |
Value | 1 |
Warranty | 3.5 |
Customer Reviews
13.0 out of 5 starsI paid $599 - apparently on sale from $2000. It has everything it claims in the advertising but I wouldn't apply the word quality to any feature. Adequate would be more accurate and I think $599 should be the MSRP and not the sale price. I would consider $399 a good deal.