Horizon CT5.3 Treadmill Review

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Brief Overview

Absolutely absurd MSRP. We've seen similar models from the same factory for less than $1000. DON'T buy one for list!

Overall Quality

If you are habitual of shelling out double the price for a machine that delivers half its worth, then the Horizon CT5.3 will not disappoint you. Even
models in the $1,000 - $1,500 category are offering better parts quality and longevity than this model. This makes the machine extremely poor value for
your money. If you are a smart buyer head for the T series that has better choices.
If someone holds a gun to your head and threatens to pull the trigger if you don't buy this one for $2000, I guess you don't have a choice but that's the
only rational reason to drop $2k on this treadmill.


Walking Area 7.1
Power 5.5
Cushioning 6.2
Reliability 4.3
Noise Level 6.2
Quality 4.3
Value 1
Warranty 3.5