HealthRider H80t Treadmill Review

Brief Overview
One of the strongest mid-range HealthRiders ever made! With that said, there are still some corners cut to get such a low price for such a feature laden machine.
Overall Quality
Solid frame design along with good key components make for a strong treadmill. If my mother were needing a treadmill to use for 10 years with just normal walking and nothing fancy, this would be at the top of my list personally. It has a strong drive system, some corners cut on electronics parts that my mom wouldn't use anyway, and it has some cheaper drive system parts but overall for the money, it is a heck of a value.
Walking Area | 8.5 |
Power | 7 |
Cushioning | 6.2 |
Reliability | 4.9 |
Noise Level | 5.5 |
Quality | 4.1 |
Value | 5.2 |
Warranty | 5.5 |