FreeMotion E6.7 Elliptical Review

Brief Overview
The Free Motion e 6.7 is a heavy-duty machine, perfect for larger users!
Overall Quality
Free Motion is known for making very heavy ellipticals and this one is no exception. The warranty and customer service is a bit scarce, to put it mildly, however, the brake has a lifetime warranty. The E6.7 becomes a better value when the pricing becomes more aggressive. You can sometimes find it on sale for amounts approaching $2,000. The console is a full-color touch screen, but the design is the same old potatoes with the dated front drive. The stride is smooth but long. Smaller users might have some trouble turning the 35 lb flywheel on startup.
Adjustability | 6 |
Reliability | 5 |
Noise Level | 4 |
Value | 3 |
Warranty | 2 |
Quality | 5 |
Ergonomics | 6 |