FreeMotion e5.3 Elliptical Review

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Brief Overview

We often wonder if Freemotion seriously expects consumers to buy this machine. This unit is not worthy of the Freemotion name.

Overall Quality

The e5.3 elliptical from Freemotion is just a horrible, horrible value. It is made with average components and should be durable over the long run, but when you compare this unit with the e7.5 and e7.7 you will be struck by how mundane it is. If you compare it to ellipticals from other producers in the $1500 price range you would think of it is a rip off. Freemotion specializes in commercial and high end specialty products, they should leave this model to the mass market stores.


Adjustability 5
Reliability 5
Noise Level 5
Value 4
Warranty 8
Quality 5
Ergonomics 6