Cybex 770A Elliptical Review

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Brief Overview

The 770A is the lower body version of Cybex's premium commercial arc trainer. Great quality, outrageous price, and poor value characterize this machine. Cybex's arc trainers are neither home units or technically ellipticals. They are, however, similar and popular with people the use club ellipticals. That's why we include them in our reviews each year.

Overall Quality

The 770A is the lower body only version of the 770AT and in my opinion a better option. Cybex is known for producing high-quality ellipticals, although they would quibble with the description of the arc trainer as an elliptical. They are also known for charging their customers out the nose for their product. Just remember that you will get a great quality machine for a very poor value due to the high price.


Adjustability 7
Reliability 7
Noise Level 5
Value 3
Warranty 5
Quality 7
Ergonomics 6