Cybex 425A Elliptical Review

Brief Overview
If you want adjustability the only comparable machines to the 425A are the Precor AMT or the Smooth DMT. That said, the Cybex 425 A gives the buyer a high-quality machine with a unique feel.
Overall Quality
Cybex is known for producing high-quality ellipticals, although they would quibble with the description of the arc trainer as an elliptical. They are also known for charging their customers out the nose for their product. Just remember that you will get a great quality machine for a very poor value due to the high price. The only downside to purchasing this machine is the possibility that Cybex might have a $66 million judgment against it enforced. If that happens then your warranty won't be worth spit.
Adjustability | 7 |
Reliability | 6 |
Noise Level | 5 |
Value | 4 |
Warranty | 5 |
Quality | 6 |
Ergonomics | 6 |