BH LK500Ti Treadmill Review

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How long will the BH LK500Ti last?

Nice job on the treadmill and then when you see the price, you forget everything else. If this treadmill were priced around $2,500 it would be a world beater but if you let your wife see a receipt showing you paid $3,800 plus tax for this machine, you might become a victim of domestic abuse. We will start calling this one the "Hubby Beater" because if your wife catches you paying full retail for this machine, she should beat the stuffings out of you!

Brief Overview

This is BH's Hubby Beater! Vastly overpriced. Reminds me of the Cirque du Soleil shows in Vegas. Checked the price of the seats and nearly flipped over and passed out.


Walking Area 9
Power 7.8
Cushioning 7.2
Reliability 6.7
Noise Level 5.9
Quality 6.8
Value 2.4
Warranty 8.8