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What the Motor Controller LEDs Mean

Includes Keys, Ironman, Alliance, Milestone, Encore, HealthTrainer, some Smooth models, some CardioZone models, Galyans, and several other brands.

RLY1 (yellow) - When you power up the machine, this LED should light. Power is getting to the controller. Check the wiring, breaker or outlet if it doesn't light. It is also a warning that power is in the capacitors and these can give you a jolt if you aren't careful. May go out if unit is latent.

RLY2 (green) - This light should light up after power is switched on to the machine. It is the main relay and shows power is being distributed. Check the power switch, breaker, outlet, and wiring if it doesn't light. Sometimes this LED will not light until several seconds after power up. Should not light up if safety key is not in place.

RAIL (red) - This means the controller is powering DC voltage internally and should be exporting DC voltage to the motor if the ESR LED it lit in conjuction with it. Check the motor with the motor test help topic from the troubleshooting section if you have no motor movement. Check the controller fuses if motor tests good. If fuses test good, replace the controller. This light may not remain lit if the treadmill is sitting latent but should always light when the belt runs.

ESR (green) - It is receiving a speed signal from the console. This light should blink and the belt should move if RAIL and RLY2 are both lit. If ESR is dark and you have an E11, E22, or SI2 error, check motor with motor test help topic. If motor is good, check F1 and F2 fuses on controller. If fuses are bad, replace fuses. If fuses are good and motor is good, replace Treadmill Motor Controller

LVS (yellow) - LED should be lit when machine has any AC power. If you have AC power and this light is not lit, replace the controller.

INC+ (yellow) - LED will light when incline motor is retracting its body. If this does not light, test the AC voltage to the incline motor. If no voltage when you give the incline command check wiring and if wiring is good, replace the incline motor. If no voltage, replace the controller.

INC- (red) - LED will light when incline motor is extending its body. If this does not light, test the AC voltage to the incline motor. If no voltage when you give the incline command check wiring and if wiring is good, replace the incline motor. If no voltage, replace the controller.
The incline LEDs are not present on the 08-0168 controller.

SF/B (green) - This will blink in conjunction with the speed sensor and when the "fins" on motor fan pass inside the speed sensor. When you have AC power, you can spin the motor by hand or push the belt with your foot and this LED should blink. If it doesn't check wiring, the speed sensor, the fan for missing "fins" or replace the speed sensor.