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New Image Elliptical Reviews

Image 9.5

These low end units are for the every-once-in-a-while exerciser.

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Older Image Reviews

Reviewed in 2009

Image 8.5

Looking for the best in-home elliptical? Check out the Treadmill Doctor's Image elliptical review...

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Who Manufacturers Image Ellipticals?

General Information:These products are produced by Icon Health and Fitness. They are the largest retail fitness company. We have been told by Icon that they are ending production of the Image line. With the remaining stock of Image, you get what you pay for, a lower priced unit that will typically require more parts replacements than a higher priced unit.

Manufacturing Philosophy:Image is produced by Icon, a company with thousands of employees and large resources. Put simply, their machines have the best design in the business. In the past, they have had to be the best because they used the cheapest parts in the business. They have finally discovered that you can find some of the key component parts overseas for less- the eventual cost is less if you put more quality into the machine; so the quality of drive motors, rollers, and other key components are much higher than in the past and they price their machines lower than anyone else- if you compare apples to apples.

Company Outlook : Icon is the largest fitness equipment producer in the world with over $1 billion in sales. If the fitness industry were a solar system, Icon is so powerful that they would be the Sun. In terms of stability they are the best, but overall their customer service isn't up to the standards of any of the lower volume producers. Although you get a value price for the product, you also get value service so keep this in mind when buying their machines. Due to the sheer number of units they produce, we pick up support in many cases where this factory leaves off.