New HealthRider Elliptical Reviews

HealthRider H50e

The Healthrider H50e is a solid elliptical for the money that provides decent value for the money.

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HealthRider Stride Trainer 900

This treadmill received a rating of 1.8 out of 5 stars. The overall value and warranty for this m...

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Older HealthRider Reviews

Reviewed in 2015

HealthRider H92e

The Healthrider H92e is a solid elliptical based on a successful long standing design by Precor.

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HealthRider H95e

The Healthrider H95e is a solid elliptical based on a successful long standing design by Precor.

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Reviewed in 2014

HealthRider Tony Little Hybrid Trainer

The Tony Little Hybrid Trainer is an attempt at a low cost recumbent elliptical. They probably s...

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Reviewed in 2013

HealthRider H95e Rear Drive

The H953 utilizes Precor's excellent design patent making it the best of the HealthRider elliptic...

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Reviewed in 2011

HealthRider H140E

You have to be insane to buy this off the Healthrider website when QVC has it for $899.

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HealthRider H90E

Do yourself a favor and spend $100 for the H95e.

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Reviewed in 2010

HealthRider C550e

We highly recommend this machine so you can become a Treadmill Doctor parts customer.

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HealthRider H70e

An old, but fairly reliable design.

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Reviewed in 2009

HealthRider 330

The world's first disposable elliptical machine.

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HealthRider Club Series H140e

You cannot go wrong with this design.

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HealthRider C 515 E

Looking for the best in-home elliptical? Check out the Treadmill Doctor's Healthrider elliptical ...

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Who Manufacturers HealthRider Ellipticals?

General Information:These products are produced by Icon Health and Fitness. They are the largest retail fitness company. Like the original HealthRider, a gimmicky little machine that did more to ruin your back than to workout your muscles, these treadmills are focused on features. Having Tony Little as a spokesman should tell you all you need to know! With the improvement across the line on their parts quality, they have taken care of past quality problems to a great extent, except for the very low-end units.

Manufacturing Philosophy:Fads are common in the fitness business and HealthRider was no exception but the fad was so big that it produced a brand. Now, they sell very few of the old gimmicky machines. This brand is produced by Icon, a company with thousands of employees and large resources. Put simply, their machines have the best design in the business. Icon has a long, storied history that provides an example of how the big keep getting bigger. Icon used to be the mass-market darling because of their cheap prices but they used to have quality to match. These days they put more quality into the machines and pack them with features. Service by most of the lower priced companies can be spotty but you get what you pay for.

Company Outlook : Icon is the largest fitness equipment producer in the world with over $1 billion in sales. If the fitness industry were a solar system, Icon is so powerful that they would be the Sun. Although you get a great value price for the product, you also get value service so keep this in mind when buying their machines. We don't get nearly as many complaints about Icon's service as we have in the past. Due to the sheer number of units they produce, we pick up support in many cases where this factory leaves off.

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