New Expresso Bike Reviews

Expresso Go Recumbent Bike

The Expresso Go Recumbent Bike offers motivating rides through scenic routes and fun games to kee...

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Older Expresso Reviews

Reviewed in 2021

Expresso Espresso Go Upright

Buying such an expensive bike is a big commitment. Be sure to see how the Treadmill Doctor ranks ...

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Who Manufacturers Expresso Bikes?

General Information:Expresso is a smaller company in the market that has had quite a turn with financials over the years. Currently, they are owned by Interactive Fitness who also owns CyberCycle Depsite their 'hiccups' the executive team has remained largely the same and they are attempting to come back swinging. But is it still a comeback after two...three..four knockouts?

Manufacturing Philosophy:It is hard to see what Expresso's main outlook is since they have changed hands multiple times over the years. What we can tell you is that Expresso strives to be new and different. With that, their machines usually have a lot of interactive features with connectivity and average builds.

Company Outlook : "Expresso Bikes are the gold standard in interactive exercise. By combining virtual reality and fun competitive programming, Expresso is a powerful motivator for people of all fitness levels, attracting new riders and keeping exercisers engaged, improving and loyal." - Interactive Fitness